Kamis, 14 November 2013

Engineer as Banker

Engineer as Banker

Some of my friends may think that being a banker after graduating from ITB is only wasting the time. It is normal, because life as engineering student is quite stressful especially with the mathematical equations, industrial standards, and also a bunch of homework. There is a joke that as engineering students, we are forced to choose at most two from these three choices: enough sleep, social life, good mark.  That stupid jokes give us vision how hard the challenge we faced to get the bachelor degree in engineering. “After that kind of sacrifice to get graduating as an engineer, will you be a banker whom the work has nothing to deal with your degree?”  Before answering the question, we should know about a Banker career.

Bank is the heart of economic. Most of the money-related transaction is handled by Bank. Bank as intermediary gather information from sellers then serve in simple and businesslike way to the consumers. Bank has variety products. Not only saving and loan to society like usually we see but also the other products. These are some of the product:
    Corporate and consumer loan
    Credit card
    Wealth management
    Trade financing
    Cash management
    Debt & capital market

Bank get revenue from two sources, the first is from Interest income. Bank give at most 5% interest to people who save their money then get at least 10% from people who loaned it. The other revenue comes from fee income which being paid to bank for the service or product such as salary management in a company
There are two types of Banker career, Back officer and the front one.
 1. Back Office
    Human Recourse
    This division is dealing with people. They do recruiting, employee development, and etc.
  They handle all the legal things for bank and responsible to take the legal action regarding Bank’s operational
   Compliance acts as a control function for Bank helping make sure They are a ‘fit and proper’ business. The division works to understand the requirements for financial institutions like banks.
   This division is responsible for internal auditing function of a bank. People who stick to the regulation are suitable for the job.
    Operation division consists of people who responsible for the bank operational.

2. Front Office
    Consumer banking
   Consumer banking division is dealing with marketing to the potential consumer to use Bank’s service and product.
    Corporate banking
   Their people are the ones who come to other corporations or companies to do marketing about Bank’s product and Service
    Money market
    This division handles asset liability management and currency management
    Treasury & Market
    Treasury & Market is the core of a Bank.

Get closer to a treasurer
Treasury is like Bank’s bank. It works as the connector of consumer, corporate, and commercial. This job has a high risk but will earn you high income. Usually, treasury only consists of a few people. But, they can get the same amount of money as the other divisions. As a treasurer, you may get an equal take home pay as offshore engineer after five up to ten years’ experience. That’s why only the best people can be a treasurer. Treasury & Market division can be divided to two subdivision, trader and sales. Traders earn money from a high risk transaction like Forex. Once they get luck, they may earn more than 1 billion but if they are unlucky, the same amount of money may loss. Sales handle transaction of Bank’s product related to corporation and financial institution.

Well, After I got the insight of banker career from Mr. Randi Bayu Prathama, I think being a banker is not that bad. Bank's job is quite challenging. So, being a banker? Why not?

Randi Bayu Prathama
Treasury Sales -  Senior manager Royal Bank of Scotland
Engineering Physics Batch 2002

Career Path:
2009-2010 join DBS Bank
2010-2011 Assistant Manager, Investment Specialist, DBS Bank
2011-2012 Manager, Investment Specialist, DBS Bank

2012-now  Senior Manager, Treasury Sales, Royal Bank of Scotland 

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